Friday, March 27, 2009

The Xs and Os: 2-time MVP Steve Nash makes career defining play.

Steve Nash, known for his impeccable decision making in running the point for the Phoenix Suns made a split second decision in a recent game; saving his career and perhaps his life.

Nash was faced with two options:

1) draw the charge on Atlanta Hawks forward Josh Smith, save his team 2 points in a tight game

2) take the block and avoid nuts to face and possible decapitation

Nash chose option 2. Notice how he pulls his arm up just before the point of impact, avoiding the dreaded Guillotine Teabag. You can see he has not only created a barrier between bag and face, but by angling his arm he deflects Smith to the side in order to avoid the Crazy Horse. Textbook. That's one example of why he's still an effective player in this league. You need further evidence? Google Royal Ivey.


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