Tuesday, January 20, 2009

You know how I know?

Do you know where Jacinth Baker and Richard Lollar went to college? Neither do I. But I do know where they didn't go: The U. You know how I know? Because I've never seen media coverage of Ray Lewis praying for them. They are the two men who died as a result of a January, 2000 brawl involving, allegedly, Ray Lewis and a few of his friends. Lewis was found not guilty. Sunday's AFC Championship game brought with it yet another "Ray Lewis is an intense, but sensitive, loving guy" as we watched him pray for teammate (and former U attendee) Willis McGahee. McGahee lay motionless on the turf after Pittsburgh Steeler safety Ryan Clark laid down yet another ridiculous hit. (Clark victimized Wes Welker earlier in the season).I guess it's different though. How could I expect there to be camera's in the hideout to which Lewis and company fled after, allegedly, using champagne bottles as clubs, kicking, punching and stabbing their victims. For all I know, the scene at the hideout closely resembled that in the huddle before Lewis played his first game following Sean Taylor's (Tha U) passing. My guess is that Ray Lewis brought all his boys together, down on one knee, and said a prayer for their victims, wished them well, hoped for their recovery.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ouch. I had similar thoughts watching the game, along with "oh no, not again" re: McGahee. But I've said before and I'll say it again. When the spiritual leader of your team is thug... Well, draw your own conclusions.