Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Anything Is Possible

I have a problem. I can't stop watching the Olympics. No matter how ridiculous the event seems (synchronized diving??!!), I still watch and root with national pride for the U.S., very similar to the way I root for my fantasy baseball team (with personal pride at stake). During the Olympics, Phelps has become my Hammie, Lezak is my Doumit, May-Treanor and Walsh are my Braun and Clout. The U.S. Men's gymnasts became my Mark DeRosa, coming out of nowhere to win me over with their grit and versatility. I felt for Alicia Sacramone after she fell (twice) last night, the same way I felt for Tulo when he suffered an injury (his second of the year) when his bat broke and cut open his palm. Even the unheralded Men's Volleyball team has come out of nowhere to dominate, similar to Cliff Lee. The Olympics wouldn't be the Olympics without a scandal (Joey Cheek, the 14 year old Chinese gymnasts...), similar to the collusion allegations that plagued (and ultimately submarined) my Victorino/Tulo/Crede for Han-Ram/Larry trade.

I look forward to a future where Michael Phelps has 8 gold medals and Hammie has 165 RBI. I savour the thought of Tyson Gay dominating Usain Bolt like Papelbon dominates in the 9th. Heck, maybe the disappointing Men's Basketball team will get their gold medal and restore order to the basketball world like I expect/hope Eric Bedard does when he comes off the DL. Just ask my boy KG, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

and this is why I watch the olympics..

the chinese people shielding the crowd from the horrific injury really ties it together for me.